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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

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`Admin...Lol! Thanks, even though deleted that post.

Ok me. My profile describes some of my background, though not all of it.

The first computer I ever work on was back in midevil days of 1976. Yep archaic! Card reader, no terminal, no keyboard, no floppydisk.

You figured out on paper what your going to program. Then on paper you coded out in binary what you wanted to execute. Then you go to the school secretary, who would punch it out on reader cards, who would give you back the cards so you could have the cards read into the computer. That whole process took about a week if you where lucky that school secretary wasn't busie.

But no... your not done yet. Then you had to debug it, and go through the whole process again.

Lucky me only had to go through that only one semester. The next year I went to a different high school with a better computer, a mini at that (that's mini main frame). So I was on my way to learn the high level language of RPG II. Whoa was on to me for any who knows of the high level language RPG... Report Program Generator.

Three years went by, by the time I tried it again. But this time at a community college. However I was cursed again. RPG III had just came out and that was all that was offered. However I had the advantage with its older brother so I did fairly well.

Me being a die hard I didn't give up easily, four years later I decided to give it a go again at very different college. One that had both a mini... a Hewlett Packard 3000 as well as microcomputers... Apple IIes. That's when I bloomed and never went back.

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